Saturday, December 11, 2010

R1 VLCD 15

-.2 again this morning. i really dont have anything to say today and the younger kids are taking a nap so i better try to take one too.  :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

R1 VLCD 13

so i havent blogged lately, but nothing great has been happening.  2 stall days followed by a .2 pound gain, i just dont get it!!  maybe its tom, who knows.  i am on the birth control Implanon which is an implant in my arm and i have never been regular since i got that thing, so i never know whats going on any more.  today was again a stall day even though i did a detox bath last night. i just want to get over this stall/gain and continue losing weight.  i wont give up though!  everyone else is doing really great, good job ladies.

Monday, December 6, 2010

R1 VLCD 10

no changes to report today and i also dont have much to say! hope everyone is doing great and has a wonderful day!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


-1.2 lbs today! a good bday present for me.  15.6 total so far.  i am sad not to go celebrate on my birthday by going out to eat but thats ok.  i was originally going to start my loading day yesterday but i am glad i did it earlier because i am this much farther ahead.  i hope you all have a great day!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


-2.8 today! oh yah 14.4lbs total.  i am feeling slightly better today, i got some mucinex and that seems to be helping. 14 pounds seems like a lot and i keep waiting for someone to say something that they can notice it but i usually see the same people all the time everyday.  and i dont know if there is a difference.  lol. everyone told me the first week is the hardest, and if that was as hard as it gets then i think i can do it!

Friday, December 3, 2010


no loss and no gain today.  it's all good though. i, however, am dying.  seriously if this cold or whatever it is does not pass soon i am going to have a breakdown.  oh wait i kinda had one this morning because i cannot handle coughing anymore.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


-2.8 today! that soooo made up for yesterday.  a total of 11.6 pounds so far!  and i am so glad i can have mustard it was weird to actually taste my hamburger yesterday.  i am contemplating using it on my chicken too, lol.  it was just really good i tell you. i go back to work tonight, i am not excited since i still have the sickness but i cant afford to call in at all.  hope you all are doing well!